Notify! for PowerTalk is a Personal Messaging Service Access Module (PMSAM) that lets you to use AppleMail to send messages to pagers.
Notify! for PowerTalk lets you:
• Use multiple paging services on your PowerTalk Key Chain.
• Add one or more paging addresses to the Electronic Addresses page of any information card in your Personal Catalog.
• Configure any of PowerTalk's “I'm at…” settings for various connection times.
• Send messages using a Notify! Network Server, also available from Ex Machina, Inc.
For service and support using Notify! for PowerTalk, please call Ex Machina Technical Support at (212) 843-0028, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST.
Installing Notify! for PowerTalk
To install your software, follow these steps:
1. Double-click the Notify!/PT Installer icon.
2. Follow the instructions on the screen.
IMPORTANT If this is not the first time you are installing Notify! for PowerTalk, you must remove all Notify! Paging Services from your Key Chain and remove the file “Notify/PT” from your Extensions folder prior to installation.
The standard installation will place Notify! for PowerTalk, Apple Modem Tool 1.5, and the AutoGuest INIT into your System Folder. If you want to install any of these items separately, click the “Custom” button in the installer window to select from the custom installation list.
The installer will give you the option of calling Ex Machina to register your copy of Notify! for PowerTalk right away, or using the software unregistered for 30 days. Obtain a valid serial number by calling Ex Machina Sales at 1-800-238-4738 or (212) 843-0027, 24 hours a day.
If you choose not to register your copy of Notify! for PowerTalk, you can register it later by running the Installer and selecting "Register Notify! for PowerTalk" from the list of custom Installations.
3. The installer will restart your computer when installation is complete.
After installation you can open the PowerTalk Key Chain and add Notify! Paging Services as described below.
Configuring your PowerTalk Key Chain
To configure your PowerTalk Key Chain, follow these steps:
1. Open your PowerTalk Key Chain (typing in your access code if necessary).
2. Click the Add button.
3. Select “Notify! Paging Service” from the list.
4. Click OK.
A new Paging Service will be placed in your Key Chain. Double-click this new service and the following appears:
5. Click in the box next to “Service Name” and enter the name of the service you are using.
IMPORTANT You must enter the Service Name now. You will not be able to change it later. Pick a name that describes the service you are using, such as “SkyTel” or “MobileComm.” Other settings for the Service can be changed later.
Don’t worry if you don’t have a password to enter. Most pager services don’t require a password.
Configuring a Modem
If you are not going to use Ex Machina’s Notify! Server to send pages, you need to configure your modem now. Follow these steps:
1. Use the “Connection Setting for” pop-up menu in the Paging Service dialog box to choose a modem configuration for work, home, or on the road.
2. Click the Modem Settings button.
The following dialog box appears:
3. Use the Method pop-up menu to set the type of connection.
Most often, you will want to use the Apple Modem Tool, configured for 7 bits, Even parity, 1 Stop Bit, XON/XOFF flow control, and NO error correction (these are the defaults).
4. Enter the phone number for the service in the box next to “Dial Phone Number.”
5. Choose a modem type from the Modem pop-up menu under Modem Options.
Hayes-compatible usually works well.
6. Choose the baud rate (speed) in the Baud Rate pop-up menu under Port Settings.
Check with your paging service for the correct baud rate. Notify! for PowerTalk will not work properly unless the speed is correct. Usually paging services are 2400 baud or slower.
7. Click OK when you are finished.
Repeat these steps to configure connection settings for other locations (at home, on the road, etc.).
Configuring a Server
If you are using Ex Machina’s Notify! Server to send pages, follow these steps:
1. Click the checkbox next to “Send messages using Notify! Server” in the Paging Service dialog box.
2. Click the Server Location button to locate a Notify! Server on the network.
Setting Connection Times
You can have Notify! for PowerTalk connect at a specific time of day, or at any 5 minute or 1 hour interval.
To set connection times:
1. Click the checkbox next to the three pop-up menus.
2. Use the pop-up menus to set the connection intervals.
If you want pages to be transmitted as soon as they are sent from AppleMail, follow these steps:
1. Click the checkbox next to “When waiting message count is.”
2. Enter a message count of 1 (this is the default).
Setting Preferences for Your Messages
Under Message Settings in the Paging Service dialog box, you can:
• Split long messages.
Click the “Split long messages into multiple messages” checkbox if you will be sending long messages. This divides a long message into as many pages as necessary to send it. Each page will be numbered in “X/X” format, where “2/4” means that this is the second of four pages. If this option is off, long messages are truncated at your maximum message length.
• Set a substitution for the Return key.
To set a character that appears when the Return key is used, use the pop-up menu next to “Change returns to.”
(Since Return characters cannot be sent in an alphanumeric page, you can change Returns to one of three different characters. Ex Machina’s Update! receiving software will convert vertical bars “|” back into Returns, so this is the default.)
• Include the Subject, Sender, and Recipient List as part of the page.
Click the checkboxes for the options you want. The Sender and Subject are inserted at the beginning of a page, and the Recipient List is added to the end of the page.
When multimedia e-mail is sent to an pager, Notify! for PowerTalk will also do its best to indicate the parts of a message that cannot be transmitted. The text “<picture>”, “<sound>” or “<movie>” appear where these types of elements appeared in the original message. Enclosures are marked by the text “<enclosure “filename”>” at the end of a message, before the recipient list.
Forwarded messages are also noted. Each forwarding level of a message will be preceded by two dashes and the forwarding level, for instance “--2” is before a second-level message.
Adding Pager Addresses
After you add paging services to your PowerTalk Key Chain, you need to add pager addresses to the information cards of users you want to send pages to. Follow these steps:
1. Open your Personal Catalog. (PowerTalk places this in your Apple menu by default.)
2. Double-click the information card for the user you would like to send pages to (or create a new user by choosing New User from the Catalogs menu).
3. Use the pop-up menu at the top of the card to go to the Electronic Addresses page.
4. Click the Add button to add a new electronic address. Select “Pager” from the list.
5. Change the name of the new address from “untitled Pager” to something more descriptive, such as “David’s Pager.”
6. If the user has several electronic addresses, and you’d like alphanumeric paging to be the default method that mail is sent to this user, click the radio button in the “Preferred” column of the address list.
7. Double-click the pager address to edit it.
8. Enter the user’s Pager Identification Number (PIN).
9. Enter the maximum number of characters the user may receive in a single page (the service provider can tell you this).
10. Choose the user’s paging service from the pop-up menu at the bottom of the card .
PROBLEM: You are unable to send a page.
Whenever Notify! for PowerTalk is unable to send a page, an error will be reported via the problem reports icon (the small caution icon that appears in the upper right-hand corner of the In and Out Trays). For example, If Notify!! for PowerTalk is unable to deliver a page because a PIN is invalid, you will receive a non-delivery report in your In Tray.
PROBLEM: You are unable to connect with the paging service.
When Notify! for PowerTalk is unable to connect with the paging service, it is almost always a problem with your modem settings. Double check that you have configured the modem properly. Sometimes your modem will require a specific setup string (modem initialization string) in order to communicate properly with a paging service. Generally, this string should turn off all the advanced features of the modem, and perhaps even change the modem’s baud rate. Consult your modem manual on how to construct such a setup string.